Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

What a wonderful day we had, and how thankful we are! We had a big Thanksgiving day meal with dear friends and family. All 4 of the kids were here, mom was here, and James and his family (including his grandmother) were here. 12 of us in all! We all had a great time getting dinner's our menu for the day:

Roasted, Stuffed Turkey (22#)
Smoked Turkey (21#)
Deep-fried Turkey (11#)
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Pinto Beans with Smoked Venison Hocks
Green Bean Casserole
Homemade Dinner Rolls
Cranberry Sauce

Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie

The girls and I set up 2 tables; one for the adults using my china (which hasn't been out of the box since 1999!!), and the other for the "kids" (which are actually young adults and teenagers..but hey, they're still kids, right???!?) Since my china only has enough for 8, we set the kids table with our everyday dishes. They didn't care as long as the plates were full!
Mom was kind enough to lend us her 6 dining chairs....And of course we can't forget the PIE table! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

1 comment:

Sean & Julia Johnson.... said...

how fun!!! I love any excuse to get out china... & be with the fam :)