Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Projects Finished!

I finally finished re-doing the rocking chair for my mudroom!  My goal was to make the worlds' most comfy rocker and I think I did it!  I know the seat is extra poofy....keep in mind it is a feather filled cushion!  It has a lot of squish factor.
I did a skirt with pleated corners, and recovered the seat base....then added 2 wonderfully floofy feather filled pillows that I recovered.....

And to bring in the Festive Fall season....I made this door hanger....actually curtain. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Turning old to new...

I'm in the midst of giving this old rocking chair a facelift....
I wish I'd have taken before pictures....but here's what I took it down to.  The seat cushion (not shown) is pure cotton....and I mistakenly washed it.  Now I plan to hand card the batting....just like wool.  I figure if it doesn't work, I'll card some llama wool and use it as the cushion.  I'll post more pictures as we progress.

Next project:

My mother embroidered some dish towels as a teenage girl.  She did one for each day of the week, with a cute character on each.  I remember drying dishes with these as a kid.  We used them for years when I was growing up, and eventually they got pushed to the back of the drawer since they had so many holes in them.

Years passed, and one day mom gave me a pile of hand-me-down dishtowels.  Three of those embroidered towels were in that pile.  I have had them for a box of "to do" fabrics and projects.  Today I pulled them out....I've been thinking that I would cut the sewn piece out and frame each one.....but I just can not bring myself to cut them up!

I know they are stained, they have holes in them......but by golly they SHOULD have holes in them!  They were well used for over 50 years!  Imagine the holiday meals that we enjoyed, and even as torn "rags" they would be pulled out of the drawer to dry dishes because all the other towels were soaked.  They are so precious to me now, thinking about the dishes they dried after family meals.

Now they need a special place.  I thought I would cut them up to frame them but I just can not bring myself to do it.  So for now they are not in a box....each one has it's own frame.  I'll be hanging them in my was*sewing room*now called the mudroom*'s my room of creative thoughts and ambitions.  And where we leave the muck boots.  :)  This is the room where I put most of my precious things.

It took a lot of ironing and starch...but I got each full dishtowel in a frame!  Ignore the cutting mat in the background...that's for another project.  I squished each towel into a frame with no cutting!

Aren't they adorable???

Sunday, October 17, 2010


A friend sent this to me this week, and I like it so much I thought I'd post it here.

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,

and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'
So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror
and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
'H-M-M,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'
So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed
that she had only one hair on her head.
'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'
So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and

noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
'YAY!' she exclaimed. 'I don't have to fix my hair today!'

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary,

for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly,
and Pray continually.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

'Stop telling God how big your storm is and

start telling the storm, how big your God is!!!'

It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.