Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Tornado!

Yep, that's right!  We spent the better part of the 22nd building a kidding barn and re-doing our milking parlor because they were forecasting a winter storm for our area.  We did manage to get it all done...just in the nick of time. 

On Dec 23 we were under a thunderstorm watch that eventually turned into a tornado WARNING!  We went outside to keep an eye on the weather and were able to see the storm cell from the street.

It was really scary because it was so calm.  We watched as the funnel clouds developed and then were sucked back into the cell....

An ef2 tornado touched down about 10 miles from us, but no one was injured.  Here is a 3D radar image of the tornado as it touched down.  You can read more about the storm here.

No one was hurt, but some of the property damage was severe across town.
After the storm had passed, an eerie fog came across the road and all was calm.

Moments like this remind you count your blessings.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

There's Something to be Said for....

Being a family of procrastinators!  We have not got the living room decorated yet, so our beautiful Christmas Tree is still standing in the driveway.  Oh it's in its' stand, we give it plenty of water, and I think it has enjoyed the cooler weather we've been having.  But it's in the driveway instead of the living room!

The temperatures have really dropped over the last few days, and yesterday the unthinkable happened.  Well, it's nearly unthinkable....for East Texas anyway......

Yes, that's right....SNOW!!!

Of course none of it stuck.  BUT my beautiful Christmas tree was covered with these huge snowflakes!

Is that cool or what? 

Just as we are each individual people, our Creator made each individual snowflake, and each individual tree. 
To me, the fresh live Christmas tree (an evergreen) is a symbol of the gift that God gave to us.  He is an ever-living gift and we celebrate His birth every year.
How blessed were we this year to get these delicate reminders (snowflakes) of God's love for us!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

Since the kids were babies we have made it a family tradition to go to Danville Farms and cut down our Christmas tree.  This year we only had Rebekah with us, but the tradition continues.  This year was special because Mom was able to come with us.

This is also the farm that we buy our peaches from each summer.  They have a huge peach orchard as well as acres and acres of Christmas trees.

Bekah and Bob cutting the 2009 tree!

And mom picked out hers...

After we got home everyone came over for lunch and we had a great visit. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Mom hosted the Thanksgiving meal this year which was a big change for me!!  I got some great pictures of the kids, but unfortunately Rebekah had the camera most of the day and didn't get any shots of the meal, but she got some great pictures of the family.  We had a great visit and we have many things to be thankful for!
Beth, Rebekah, and Catey waiting for the others to show up.

Stephanie turns away from the camera every chance she gets....Lacy and Curtis aren't so shy.

Then Rebekah got the camera and got this not so lovely shot of me....

Meanwhile Bob was busy running the fryer and smoker....

And then the guys played football...

Bekah did get a nice picture of Stephanie and Curtis...

And this picture of Lacy and Ben...