Saturday, December 5, 2009

There's Something to be Said for....

Being a family of procrastinators!  We have not got the living room decorated yet, so our beautiful Christmas Tree is still standing in the driveway.  Oh it's in its' stand, we give it plenty of water, and I think it has enjoyed the cooler weather we've been having.  But it's in the driveway instead of the living room!

The temperatures have really dropped over the last few days, and yesterday the unthinkable happened.  Well, it's nearly unthinkable....for East Texas anyway......

Yes, that's right....SNOW!!!

Of course none of it stuck.  BUT my beautiful Christmas tree was covered with these huge snowflakes!

Is that cool or what? 

Just as we are each individual people, our Creator made each individual snowflake, and each individual tree. 
To me, the fresh live Christmas tree (an evergreen) is a symbol of the gift that God gave to us.  He is an ever-living gift and we celebrate His birth every year.
How blessed were we this year to get these delicate reminders (snowflakes) of God's love for us!!

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