Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

We're not going to the Christmas tree farm this year to get a tree.  We had already decided to get a small tree that could sit on a help keep Rylan out of trouble.  The easy next decision was to cut one down on our own property. 
Of course Rylan was the assistant lumberjack.
He was a bit more interested in eating the tree rather than cutting it......
The men folk accomplished their goal and brought home our adorable little tree....
Levi and Julie will be in town today and we'll have a decorating party....then Christmas dinner at mom's this evening!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The New Girlfriend....

I managed to injure my knee planting squash......and because of the injury my steps are a bit limited.  Since last week I had 8 roosters, 18 ducks, and 3 lambs all ready to butcher, I called Levi for help.  I thank God that he was able to come and help me, because I would have never accomplished what we did if I had been working by myself. 

This was our first time ever butchering ducks....and our final count for the weekend is only 3....the other 15 are living it up before I get the time to finish the job. 

Levi has a new girlfriend and he was a bit reluctant to leave her for a second time.....especially since he'd be here for 4-5 days this we invited her to come visit as well. 

Julie is a wonderful girl....the more I get to know her, the more I love her.  One problem we had with the visit was that she is a bit squeamish about processing meat.  Kinda odd when you consider she's been stateside for about 3 months after a tour of duty in Afghanistan and another in Iraq....and she is EOD.  Go figure!

The first full day they were here Levi helped me process 8 roosters and 3 ducks.  We kill, bleed, and pluck the birds outside and then put them on ice before bringing them inside to eviscerate, and take the heads and feet off.  Late that evening Julie noticed something in the trash and couldn't resist that morbid impulse to investigate....yes, that's a duck foot....
Yep, she did it....picked that thing up and let me get a picture!  She toughened up over the next couple of days......
And I nearly got a nice picture of the 2 of them....aren't they a cute couple?  Please try to ignore the goofball in the background....

I even got a nice picture of Ben and Levi with their girlfriends, Terra and Julie.  I thank God every day for my family, and for the new "children" I get to adopt as our family grows.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Levi's Visit!

Levi came into town this weekend and we all had a great visit! He got to meet Rylan for the first time....
And I actually got a picture of 3 of my favorite men folk in one shot!
Stephanie was able to get him with a wet willie....
And it looks like Rylan is practicing too...
They even managed to get a picture of him and me together!
Then Rylan had to babysit Bob so he could get a nap....
What a handsome boy!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Press On!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Can I Tell You....

How much I love this man?  Can I tell you how much I appreciate him?  I thank God every day for sending him to me.  He is an excellent husband,provider, and father.    

We have been blessed with our first grandson, and our second grandson is on the way. 
We are entering a new phase of our life.  I pray that God continues to bless us.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Time for Change

We have made major changes in our lives over the last few months, and we are now entering a new season of our life

Obviously every aspect of our life is important...God, family, food, health. God is the foundation of our life and He never changes. I need to make that clear before I continue.....because even though our lives are evolving....our God never changes, never ceases, never wavers. Without God there is nothing. Without the love of God, there is no hope.

Our family has changed at what seems to be the speed of light. Or maybe sound (I tend to be too loud). Our sons are grown men now. Our oldest daughter is grown and has a son of her own. And despite our best efforts and guidance, our youngest daughter will be a teenage mother this summer.

I am thankful that God has brought us through thus far. Despite the troubles, our family bond is close. I am thankful that we can be close together as a family. I know it all will come together with purpose. I pray that we all have the strength to endure and press on.