Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Mid-Season Herb Garden Work

Today I continued working on the herb bed, weeding, ammending soil, building a bean trellis, and is how it looked when I finished yesterday after planting sweet potatoes...
And here is how it looked this morning after working...
I added 28 cu feet of compost, dug out the weeds, replaced the border slate, made a path behind the trellis, made the trellis, and planted beans (direct sown) and planted 3 fennel plants. I try to re-use as much as possible, and this 6' chain link gate was just laying behind Bob's workshop. We set a T-post at each end, and wired the gate onto the posts about 18" off the ground.
I planted a row of Kentucky Wonder pole snap beans on each side of the trellis, plus a couple on each end. I envision the whole gate covered in lush folliage with hundreds of bean pods...we'll see!Yay!! I'm nearly halfway done with this herb bed. Look at how much the grass has grown into the border stones. I still have a lot of work to do. This is the back side of the trellis, on the far end you can see the sweet potatoes that I planted yesterday. The hay is the pathway that I use to walk through and tend to the garden. Once the plants are established, I will mulch the beds with hay and feed sacks to prevent weeds and retain moisture.To the left of the path, against the house,I planted fennel plants. You have to look closely to see them, they are just tiny things. The plant in the foreground is Bee Balm.
After getting it done, I noticed that my hibiscus was blooming again...I had to get a shot of the new flower.
And I had another garden visitor this morning. He posed long enough to snap a shot of him...

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