Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Blessed We Are!

I am constantly amazed by our blessings. Every day miracles and blessings are what remind us of God's presence, and His hand upon us. I guess I am reminded of them more during this time of year while we are busy canning and preserving as much food as possible. This week we hit a sale on carrots. These were not scrawny bitter pale yellow things....but beautiful, fat, sweet, bright orange sticks that just begged to be preserved in a jar to be enjoyed for months to come. And we were just the people to get them there!

First, I needed a volunteer from the audience. My mom offered to come over and help peel them; which was a good thing since the girls and I had to go pick pears that had been knocked off the trees by a rainstorm last night (more on pears tomorrow).

I was inspired by a picture in one of my cookbooks to use the crinkle cutter on them, especially since we were putting some up specifically for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

They are just beautiful sitting there waiting to have their little lids put on them...

We did some of them in a wonderful sweet glaze made with 1 part brown sugar, 1 part water, and 1/2 part orange juice. These are a great answer to that age old question "Mommm, I'm hungry what can I snack on?" We canned several half pints and pints of these for snacking. Once the carrots are cut and arranged in sterile jars, you make the glaze and bring it to a boil, then ladle it onto the carrots leaving 1" headspace in the jars.

Once filled, the jars are capped and placed into the pressure canner. I have 2 pressure canners, which is a good thing since we had 3 canner loads of carrots to do today. We glazed about half of them, and the other half we did plain, with just 1/2 tsp of salt added to each jar. Instead of adding the glaze to the jars, we add boiling water.

And they end up looking like this...

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