Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goals for 2009

5 Family Goals

1. Stephanie's graduation. I am hoping that she has graduated by the end of 2009.
2. Fill out the girls' recipe memory books and have them finished by 2010.
3. Decorate the girls new bedrooms.
4. Spent some time each week with the boys, even though they're all grown up now.
5. Have date night twice a month with Bob.

5 Financial Goals

1. Make double house payments this year.
2. Pay off any debt besides the house.
3. Build a fatter savings account.
4. Stay on budget.
5. Reduce our energy usage (electricity is our highest utility expense).

5 Homesteading Goals

1. Raise a ton of food. That's right, 2000 pounds of food that we will produce, hunt, or preserve.
2. Make cheddar this year.
3. Raise 2 pigs.
4. Use both garden beds this year.
5. Start growing grains for feed.

5 Emergency Prep Goals

1. Raise our 3 month supply level to 6 months.
2. Increase our water storage capacity.
3. Put together a more complete first aid box.
4. Keep the propane tanks filled.
5. Keep the gas tank at least half full all the time.

5 Personal Goals

1. Lose 12 pounds in 2009. That is just a pound a month. I can do that!
2. Keep my desk clean.
3. Walk 1/2 mile every day.
4. Keep the milking parlor clean (I am a horrible slob)
5. Eat 5 fruit and veggie servings a day.

5 Project Goals

1. Build a smokehouse.
2. Build a buck barn.
3. Build a pig pen.
4. Re-do the floors in the house.
5. Remodel the bathroom.

There. If I get all of this done this year, it's gonna be a busy one! We'll see....I managed to meet all my 2008 goals, lets see if I can meet the ones for 2009!!


Sean & Julia Johnson.... said...

wow! your my hero :)

Queenacres said...

Well setting the goal is not the same as reaching it! We'll see how I am doing 6 months from now!

Janet said...

OMG I wish I could accomplish all that, but know you can!! Hooray for Suz
Aunt Janet