Saturday, March 27, 2010

Counting our Blessings!

Ben had a serious car accident this morning, and now we are counting our blessings since he walked away from it relatively unscathed.  No other cars were involved, he simply missed a curve in the road and hit a tree.  It's a reminder of how quickly things can change and that we should never take our life for granted.

Here's the tree, that's a part of the door frame still stuck in it...
It is nothing short of a miracle that he was not seriously injured or killed.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


That's probably the best word in the world!  All is well with my surgery, the growth was benign and once I'm done with my follow up visit I'm free to get back to my life!  YAY!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Good News Is....

My health issue is SO different than expected.  Since late Dec and into Jan I thought I was experiencing another uterine prolapse.  The first one happened back in 1992 and my OB/GYN at the time explained to me that I would need a hystericalectomy within 6 months.  Rebekah was born in much for THAT Doctors' opinion!

All has been good until this year and I thought it was happening all over again.  I had too many babies in too short of time.  I am overweight.  I lift too many heavy things.  I had just recovered from a bad bout of bronchitis (heavy coughing puts too much pressure on the abdominal floor muscles) it all made sense.  Another prolapse.

But today the specialist said nope.  Not a prolapse, it is a endocervical polyp.  I guess these things are normally very small, but the Doctor said this one was as big as his finger.  All I know is YIKES.  They removed it, right there in the dr office.  No drugs or bullet to bite on.  Actually it's not a horrid procedure except for the 48 people that come into the room to see the Texas sized polyp.  An hour on the torture table, a couple of stitches that I'll never see, and it was off to the lab for testing.

Good as new.  7-10 days from now I'll be better  :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

YAY Levi!!

Levi called today to announce that he has enrolled in and been accepted to Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts!!  This has been his lifelong dream and it is finally going to happen!