Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Good News Is....

My health issue is SO different than expected.  Since late Dec and into Jan I thought I was experiencing another uterine prolapse.  The first one happened back in 1992 and my OB/GYN at the time explained to me that I would need a hystericalectomy within 6 months.  Rebekah was born in 1994...so much for THAT Doctors' opinion!

All has been good until this year and I thought it was happening all over again.  I had too many babies in too short of time.  I am overweight.  I lift too many heavy things.  I had just recovered from a bad bout of bronchitis (heavy coughing puts too much pressure on the abdominal floor muscles).....so it all made sense.  Another prolapse.

But today the specialist said nope.  Not a prolapse, it is a endocervical polyp.  I guess these things are normally very small, but the Doctor said this one was as big as his finger.  All I know is YIKES.  They removed it, right there in the dr office.  No drugs or bullet to bite on.  Actually it's not a horrid procedure except for the 48 people that come into the room to see the Texas sized polyp.  An hour on the torture table, a couple of stitches that I'll never see, and it was off to the lab for testing.

Good as new.  7-10 days from now I'll be better  :)

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