Saturday, November 6, 2010

Busy day!

Our morning started with a frost prediction for the overnight temperatures.  Any time we've got a frost warning, there is a lot to be done!  I had peppers still growing, tomatoes, eggplant, lots of herbs...and then some cold tolerant plants.  I had to do something about the Basil, it does not tolerate freezing at all.  I dried a whole dryer full....
Gave a huge bag of it to a friend.....and STILL have at least another dryer full left to do.  Anyone need some Basil??
Our biggest adventure for the day was taking our little princess dog, Taboo to the vet.  She has not been well for a week or so now...and with her age and health I was fearing for the worst....
To help keep me pre-occupied and to keep the bill down (only 1 office call even though we brought 3 dogs)...we took the hoodlems to get their rabies shots since they were due....

All went well, except for the unnecessary drama in the car as Taboo cried the whole car trip!  She HATES car rides.
The good news is that he was able to give her some meds to make her more comfortable.  We'll know in another day or two if it's going to work.
For now I'm going to enjoy the time we have with her....and enjoy this crisp weather. 

By the way, here's a picture of my finished curtain on the back door....I'm working on a number of other sewing projects including my very first QUILT!

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