Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Please Don't Call Us Self-Sufficient!

I know that many folks that are "off the grid" or try to live off of what they produce on their land use the term a lot. Many homesteaders seek this as a goal. However, the more I try to live from what we produce, the more I realize just how much we rely on God's grace and blessings.

A few years ago there was a popular phrase...FROG...Fully Rely On God. This is what we do every day. It is not self reliance nor is it self sufficiency; it is the faith to do things with our tiny piece of land that most folks take for granted.

The Good Lord helped us find this place, it was at the right time and the right place. Without His hand of blessing over us we could not do what we do, much less survive. We are simply doing our best to be good stewards over this piece of ground that God has allowed us to own.


Tracy said...

That is an excellent point! I have also used the term self-sufficiency; but I see what you mean. What we are truly striving for is just God-sufficiency. Whatever He provides for us, is enough.:)

Queenacres said...

You are right, Tracy. So many folks get wrapped up in home-steading that they forget Who is really in charge of it all.