Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good News and Bad News....

We had a series of storms over the weekend that included a lot of cold hard winds. As a result......RIP baby pears....They were too young to die.

Out of the 7 little pears we had on our little tree, this is the one survivor. Since this is the first full year that the tree was in the ground, I really didn't expect any. One would be nice though.Speaking of survivors, our goldfish in the water garden has made it through another winter! He almost came to the surface today, but at least we know he's still alive in there.All over the garden we are finding signs of life....the grapevines are budding and even sprouting some tiny leaves...
This is it's third year....maybe this will be the year we get some grapes.The tulips I planted last year are starting to pop through the soil. I thought they were gonners.And our elephant ear is sprouting it's first leaf of the year....It was even warm enough today to bring the seed trays out to catch some rays....
Rebekah took this really neat self portrait today...I thought I'd share. That's mom's house across the road.