We have been praying for rain. After such a wet spring, we have had a long dry summer so far. Thursday night it looked like our prayers were to be answered. There was a cool front moving in and it was bringing rain with it.
Unfortunately, it brought some severe wind with it as well. Our old split oak tree finally turned loose. God has been bringing this tree down for us one piece at a time. It withstood the winds of Hurricane Rita, it held it's own during Hurricane Ike....although it did lose a few branches. But this summer wind storm was too much for it to bear. Here is a picture of it the day after Hurricane Ike. It lost some branches, but you get an idea of it's size, and proximity to the house.
The noise it made when it hit the house was horrifying. Bob got up on the roof to evaluate the damage.The power was out, and stayed out for about 13 hours. The next day we were able to begin the process of cleaning off the roof and evaluating what we need to do.It is nothing short of a miracle that more damage was not done, and no one was injured. Here's the view from the roof.
The goats are happy to help with the clean up duty...but this is gonna take a chain saw.
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