Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Toe Must Go On....and other projects

Okay, first I want to thank all of the well-wishers that wrote me about my toe. I appreciate the good thoughts. :) The toe is coming along...and doesn't hurt unless I try to put it in a shoe or bend it in any way. Needless to say, that leaves me barefoot and looking for projects indoors. It has changed to a lovely purple now, and as you can tell I am very whiney.
Yesterday we started working on freezers. Oh my. What a job. We have 2 refrigerator/freezers and 3 deep freezers. I started with the freezer from our kitchen fridge. It gets the most abuse. Bekah and I worked all day to empty it, scrub it out....and filled it with misc. items from the deep freezers that need to be used soon. It's so much more organized now! And empty!
Today we started on the dog's freezer. We raw feed our dogs, so we have a freezer designated for the dog food. It's never on my priority list for cleaning...until today. I can't recall defrosting it in....at least 2 years! That stack in the corner is milk that has been set aside for soap making....other than that...it's all chunks of ice that has built up. What a mess! It's in the process of the big thaw now.
I'm sure the dogs won't notice any difference in the quality of the meat....but at least I'll have this project done! The pigs are getting of milkcicles today!

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