Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Mom hosted the Thanksgiving meal this year which was a big change for me!!  I got some great pictures of the kids, but unfortunately Rebekah had the camera most of the day and didn't get any shots of the meal, but she got some great pictures of the family.  We had a great visit and we have many things to be thankful for!
Beth, Rebekah, and Catey waiting for the others to show up.

Stephanie turns away from the camera every chance she gets....Lacy and Curtis aren't so shy.

Then Rebekah got the camera and got this not so lovely shot of me....

Meanwhile Bob was busy running the fryer and smoker....

And then the guys played football...

Bekah did get a nice picture of Stephanie and Curtis...

And this picture of Lacy and Ben...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

looks like you had a FABULOUS holiday...and much to be thankful for.