Saturday, March 27, 2010

Counting our Blessings!

Ben had a serious car accident this morning, and now we are counting our blessings since he walked away from it relatively unscathed.  No other cars were involved, he simply missed a curve in the road and hit a tree.  It's a reminder of how quickly things can change and that we should never take our life for granted.

Here's the tree, that's a part of the door frame still stuck in it...
It is nothing short of a miracle that he was not seriously injured or killed.


kellibattraw said...

I'm so glad he is all right! Obviously he still has work here to do!

Queenacres said...

Thank you! I got sick when I saw the car and just kept saying how did he walk away from that?

I thank God every day for my children and for His protection over them.