Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Old Ways and Finding Rest

Jeremiah 6:16 "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls"...

We love doing things in the old ways. We have a number of projects going on here at most anytime. This weekend we have been working on venison summer sausage. We have a friend that hunts each year and brings us venison. In return we give him a good supply of various sausages. We have a friend that has a cheese press. Although I make soft cheeses, without a press I can't make the hard cheeses such as cheddar. She brings us wheels of cheddar and in return we will give them a good supply of sausages. We do a lot of bartering, one of our most recent barters was that we reduced the price of a goat since the folks were trading us 2 pigs in the deal.

I like to think we do things in the old ways, we do try to simplify things in our lives. You have to work harder, but in the long run you find rest.

We are celebrating today, we are finally seeing signs of life in the garden! Our peas are coming up and our asparagus is sprouting like crazy.

We have 2 broccoli plants that look hopeful..Our tiny little pear tree has 7 baby pears on it!And I am happy to announce that I did not kill our little wisteria. This thing started last Spring as a small stick.


Michelle said...

I am incredibly envious of your pear and wisteria. They just will not grow and thrive in our climate. I am confident that Spring makes our hearts happy because we get to see our work making a difference- caring for babies and nurturing them along is so rewarding even in the garden.

Sean & Julia Johnson.... said...

yay for gardens :)